Newman's smile. Oh, sure, he's smiling big here. But it wasn't the Cool Hand Luke smile. The kind that makes you wonder. Does he know something I don't? Is he judging me?
While many would think of the blue, blue eyes when they think off Newman, I think of that smile. Like he could do anything. Remember the eggs from that movie? Or the woman tease washing her car in full view of the chain gang? Just that look of his said it all.
He displayed it in a few other movies, even in The Sting, where it was required. Sometimes in Butch Cassidy, when they were deciding whether or not to jump, but his best role for that smile was no doubt Cool Hand.
I knew a few other people who had it. Danny Vaught and Clayton Sammons come to mind. Most thought them to be smart alecs. Many thought me to be that way, too. So maybe that's why I'd practice that smile in front of a mirror. I never could get it, though.
Hey, maybe it was crazy to try. But as much as I enjoy eggs, I never was tempted to try to eat 50. So, see, I wasn't that stupid. Was I?
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