when the U of I takes on Purdue in Champaign. He's been fired. But I miss the Chief.
I've blogged before about the ridiculous PC ouster of the Chief. I'll only offer Wahoo, the Cleveland Indians mascot/logo portrayed on the front of their caps. If there was ever denigrating of the Native America, Wahoo takes the proverbial cake.
But I must also offer our Washington D.C. team, The Redskins. Can you imagine that our nation's capital still has that team name?
Yet the most revered, the most respected symbol of Native Americans in sports, Chief Illiniwek is forced out. He cannot perform his routine that not only inspired, but also reflected the heritage in a very positive light. He, or the Native American logo, can no longer appear on clothing apparel, I believe. Yet they are still called the Fighting Illini.
It's just another thing I've outgrown or lived too long to see. It's not conflicting to me: it's confounding. I'm not going to even call them the Illini anymore. I'm afraid it might offend. We'll just eradicate them completely from the university. Why not? We might be politically incorrect.
Go Orange and Blue!
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