Monty Hall made his living by playing what was behind Door Number 1, 2, or 3. Stephen King said the scariest thing to think about is what is behind that closed door. Dante said about Hell's door, "Abandon all hope ye who enter here". When boards of any kind go into executive session and close the door. "No one knows what goes on behind closed doors," the singer said.
So what is it about closed doors? Why are we to fear them?
And do they apply to all doors? Are closed car doors scary? How about doggy doors? How about Jim Morrison and The Doors? Cellar doors? Trap doors?
There was a door in our upstairs when I was a kid that had a panther on it. It was like a sticker before stickers were popular or even available. For some reason I felt a little eerie about that room. Even, believe it or not, as an adult. I don't know if it was the panther. I can't remember if the panther survived all those years. But I always had a little fear in opening that door.
I don't remember any other doors that caused a little consternation in me. But, hey, you're only little once. A good scare is good for the imagination. For your character.
On another note, I got caught by my wife today. The sun was behind me as I was watering some flowers with those plastic watering cans. I started playing shadow games with the can against a wall. I had the can on my head and was positioning the spout when I was discovered.
Not much of a reaction. Just one question. Then she went back in the house. My game spoiled, I, too returned to the adult world.
I walked through the kitchen door and........
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