As puckered up as a river otter can be, she awaits the smooch. How otterly embarrassing if he only moved in for a sniff. But that's the risk, the chance you take when you get into the kissing game.
Last night at supper, I looked outside our window and saw two rabbits kissing. Twice. After each kiss the aggressor jumped straight up into the air. Two was enough though. After that he ran away.
Do I think animals really kiss? Not really. Not anymore than I think Eskimos rub noses or that eyelashes batted against one's neck qualifies as a kiss. Even though it's called a butterfly kiss.
First kisses. Long kisses when one decides to come up for air. Pecks. Cheek kisses. Good night kisses. French kisses. Goodbye kisses. Wet kisses. Kisses that are like a drill press. Kisses that are done where you wonder where her/his lips are. Kisses that literally suck you in. Ok, graphic enough. Time to quit.
But an experiened friend of mine tells me there are good kisses and then there are good kisses. He never had a kiss he didn't like.
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