If Shirley Temple and Arnold Palmer can have a drink named after them, why not you? So my question for pondering today is what would your drink be?
I'd need more than one for The TQ. Well water from the Hays' well on Benton Road in MTV would be one. That was the best, coldest, purest tasting water that I ever had. And I'm very discerning about my water. Desani is my drink of choice now, but it will probably change. The Hays' well water was cool, actually very cold and just good tasting.
Another would have to be the old Coca-Colas in the glass bottles. The kinds they had in the '50's when they'd burn your nose on a little burp. Ice cold of course. Back then there were no diet sodas. But I remember drinking some Tab that my mom drank. Cough syrup was better tasting.
My third TQ is Crystal Light peach flavored iced tea. Unsweetened. Not that I don't like sweet tea, but as a health conscious codger, I have to limit sugar intake. The water used in mixing is Desani as previously mentioned. No ice, but ice cold. Ice is extremely important, but our ice maker even after being outfitted with a reverse osmosis system doesn't make the kind I like. The little pellets are my favorites, but not many places have them anymore.
Since the Hays' moved, Desani, and Crystal Light already have names, I guess I'm out of luck. No drink called TQ. How about a blog called On the QT? That'll work.
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