Two novellas, a thousand poems, several travelogues, several newspaper articles (when I was the high school's public information officer for four years or so) lots of minutes from lots of meetings. And four blogs. But that's the extent of it, unless you count all those research papers I had to write in college.
But I'm still not satisfied. I still want to write more. While I really like our house, it's not a writer's house. Now, just look at that cottage. That's where writers live. That's where thoughts could flow. Quaint, yet protected. Warm yet so cool. Picturesque.
Quiet, tranquil, but with an air of attention to detail. A sculptured yard. I'm sure the inside has the orderliness reflected in the yard. I'm certain there is wood in the fireplace in addition to starter logs or kindling. I'm also sure that in the back yard is an ornate chaise lounge for an afternoon nap in the sun.
Wood floors, highlighted by a big throw rug. Some kind of shutters for filtering or blocking. A granite kitchen. A smell in the house of homemade bread. Not pot roast for that would be too overpowering.
A huge writing desk with computer and printer. An intercom system for the right kind of music to fit the right kind of mood.
Yep, I could write there. Or I couldn't write anywhere.
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