Until a little Google search, I had no idea that was Wimpy's full name. You remember Wimpy who was way ahead of his time when he uttered "I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." Actually the entire quote was "I've informed my bank that I'll gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today." See what I mean?
But this entry is not about our current economic fiasco, but about hamburgers.
And if you're not an MTV product, it may not mean too much to you. Unless it sends you down old memory lane.
Broadway Drive-In ran by Bernard Tapocik had a great plain cheeseburger that I scarfed whenever I could get away from his loaded up ham sandwich. I can still taste both. His drive-in restaurant was the best non-chain anywhere. Actually, much better than any chain.
Kelly's Bowling Alley had a grill with the juiciest burger around. It was probably filled with grease, but it was a terrific sandwich, made by daughter Patti.
Maid-Right Drive-In despite its misspelling made ground up hamburgers that were also excellent. You know--the kinds made into little balls and lathered over a toasted bun.
There were lots of other restaurants in our little community back then, but those three were the best for burgers. The Mug, the most popular of teen hangouts, must have had an undistinguished burger, because I have no recollection of it.
Of course the best burger now is made from bison and cooked out by me. With some garlic salt of course. I could make Mr. Wimpy salivate.
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