What I don't understand about the racial climate in America today might take volumes to fill. What I don't understand about ethnicity and religious bigotry would be even larger. Samples of each. Again with no answers. If Shell had the Answer Man, then you have the Question Man with me.
Why do we celebrate Black History month? And why is it not called African American History month? Who started it? Why is there no White American History month? No Hispanic History month?
Why is there a Miss Black beauty pageant but not a Miss White or Miss Hispanic? Miss Asian?
Aren't we all Americans? I'm not an Irish/English American as my name would suggest. Go further back and throw in some German and a sprinkle of Native American, but I'm still an American. Not that we shouldn't be proud of our heritage, whatever it is, but let's celebrate our country. Let's end the African-American description. I've seen lots of Whites in Africa. What are they to be called when immigrating here? White African Americans?
The same with religion. How did a country founded on religious principles come to criticize religion and form organizations for freedom from religion? How did we allow our country to make fun of religion in movies and television? To openly put down anyone with traditional American values, yet embrace anything from any other culture as being superior to our own?
Well, I'm befuddled. But that's not new. I've been that way since the Clinton years. Long years if memory serves.
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