You'll have to excuse some of my sarcasm today. I'm under the influence. Of two kinds of pain killers blahblahblah, a generic for yadayadayada. And an inflammatory.
You see I'm having laser leg surgery for some unsightly and somewhat unhealthy veins that have protruded in my legs for years. When I first noticed them, I thought they were cool, like those veins in the arms of the strong guys. When I shared that theory with my doctor, he laughed and corrected me.
I'll write more about the EVLT treatments, out -patient surgeries when I'm all finished. For now, I'm hurting, except when I walk, which I'm required to do. Three to five miles per day. I've gone 4 once and 3 all the rest.
But Monday as I was on my walk, I had to pee. Bad. I was at least 1 1/2 miles from home. I looked around. No neighbors around that I knew. No place to go.
A cart girl on the golf course saved me. She offered to take me home, but I declined, thinking I might not make it that far. She took me to a restroom on the course. There were guys on the tee box but no carts parked by the restroom.
I hurried in and in the one-holer stood a guy. I waited. I thought, "this guy must be old, prostate trouble". He was done. Then he stayed and blew his nose a couple of times. Keep in mind it was a small bathroom and I could hear all. Finally he walks out. He was a golfer. A fairly young guy.
I head to the much needed toilet. He hadn't even flushed! I thought, "how dumb!" Then I remembered, "He didn't wash his hands either".
When I saw Pelosi, Biden, and Mr. Obama pictured in the paper, my thoughts returned to the guy in the bathroom. "How dumb!" How could voters place these three in the highest positions in the land?
I have to go now. That's right: nature is calling again. See; even my body knows the similarities.
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