What makes two in the picture stand back and approve of the one getting tickled? Are they enjoying the fun of seeing the tickled get tickled? Or, are they enjoying the fact that it is not they who are getting tickled? There's a small line separating the two.
It's a lot like watching something bad happen to someone we have no affinity for. A football player getting hit hard. As long as we know there's no permanent damage. As long as it's not going to jeopardize our team. Then we can stand back, too. And enjoy.
Oh, there he goes again. No, just stop and think. How many times do we watch a replay of a vicious hit? Slow motion, reverse angle replays? We listen to the announcers, "That was a terrible hit. Uncalled for. Let's watch it again." And again and again.
When St. Louis Cardinal, Rick Ankiel made a catch at the wall, and his momentum carried him full throttle, flush into the left field wall in a game this week, it bent the bill of his cap like cardboard. It left an accordian-type crease. It was a terrible collision.
Not only was it shown and shown again, there's even a term for that kind of wall-meets-face direct hit. A facial. Yep, Rick got a left field wall facial. Thankfully he was released from the hospital after an overnight stay.
But again. While no one was laughing at the ballpark, you can bet that once it was clear that he was ok, read no fractures, no nerve damage, that people enjoyed watching it. While I haven't seen his hat for sale on ebay, I'm sure it would bring three figures.
That's the way we are. Was the hit horrific as I heard one announcer call it, or are we?
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