Paul's daughter giving him bunny ears? I don't know; I just never got that humor.
How about Letterman's joke about Gov. Palin and her daughter? Certainly not funny to me. But I will give him credit for the apology--one of the the best I've seen recently. Most anymore are so generic and accompanied by the word if. How about his Top 10 List? Sometimes that's humorous and I like the idea.
What's funny to me is this joke. A driver rear ends the car in front of him. It angers the driver of the car struck by him. Out of the car comes a midget. He walks over to the driver and says, "I want you to know, I'm not happy."
The driver responds, "Then which one are you?"
Now that has all the requirements of a funny joke to me. I know, I know; it's not PC because of the dwarf, little person reference. Besides that. It's short (no pun), it's to the point, and it is a play on words.
What is just the polar opposite to me is rank humor using innuendo and/or profanity. The unfunny comic from Howard Stern, another anti-funny guy, that ruined Joe Buck Live on HBO this week is a classic example. Not a big Joe Buck fan, I had started to warm to him. Until he got into a verbal and somewhat obscene battle with the other guy who was grossly obscene.
Just to see that made me think of Jack Buck, Joe's dad who would not have approved anymore than I. It was like Jerry Mathers said in a Leave It to Beaver show one time: it was like finding out that Lassie was a boy.
Now that's funny.
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