I can put off. With the best of them. Take furnace filters, for instance. By the time I change ours, they have needed it badly.
It's not all that expensive or strenuous to do. It's just a hindrance. Put it on the list of things I just don't want to do.
We had a cobweb at the highest point in our house. I watched it grow. Until it turned black.
Out came the ladder and with a steady hand of my wife holding my stairway to heaven, I ascended. Still couldn't reach it even with a long handled feather duster. One more step.
Now visions of falling entered my head. Two friends have fallen from ladders and have suffered greatly. I pictured them both. I started to wobble or felt like I was teetering as I stood on the step of the ladder that they warn you about. My swinging bridge, was really not moving; I wisked away the web but had to leave a smaller one, a light gray one. It nah, nahed at me after I took it's friend. Another day.
Another way my body is telling me I'm not as young as I used to be.
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