In first grade I remember our teacher referred to herself in the third person. It didn't help that I didn't know her name. So when she kept alluding to what Mrs. Hilliard did and didn't like, I thought when is this Mrs. Hilliard coming? I didn't know. But I knew what she did and didn't like. So I was ready.
I remember once we were to raise our hands indicating our preference for the season we liked best. I sat near the back of the room by the windows. I could observe the number of hands that went up when she asked Fall, then Winter. So when Spring came, my hand flew up along with a few others.
Then Summer. My favorite. But I still remember thinking to myself, "I didn't know she would ask us about Summer." I felt I had lied. I had been untrue to my favorite of all.
Even with the extreme heat in the Southwest, it's still my favorite. I mean how could it not be with swimming and baseball and golf and no school. Ripe red tomatoes and corn and of course watermelon.
No other food, even cooked out burgers and brats and dogs can symbolize or at least represent Summer like watermelon. Rainer cherries are to be included in the mix. But watermelon just oozes Summer out.
If Mrs. Hilliard asked me now, I'd get it right. True to my school. True to my season.
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