I was gone last week. To a destination that must be kept secret. You'll soon see why.
I pulled into a grocery store parking lot into the second spot from the end. The store's parking is the back of a paved alley. As soon as I turned, I told my wife that it was a one way street (alley). And I had turned into it going the wrong way.
As I got out of my vehicle I heard a "Sir," and turned to see a policewoman armed with pad.
"Did you see the One Way sign right there?"
"No ma'am, I did not. I'm sorry."
"Well, it's a pretty big sign."
"I promise, I will never do it again."
The look on her face was one of utter surprise. I'll never forget it. It was as if no one had ever told her that before.
"You could have killed someone."
Silence on my part.
"I know you're on vacation, but you have to be more careful."
"Thank you so much," was my relieved response.
The next day I'm walking down the street. The same officer sees me and smiles. She asks, "Are you heading the right way?"
"Yes, I am. And how are you doing today?"
"Fine," she said.
Me, too.
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