I'm not even going to write about dice hanging from the rearview mirror or ermine dash cover add ons.
Raising a car or truck whether front, rear end or both is not cool. Sure everyone would like to be able to see ahead. What's causing the hold up, the slow down. But adding spacers to jack up the car also endangers that car and others. It's hard enough to see over, around, and through most SUVs anyway. Additional height increases your chances of getting whip lashed by a rear end collision. If you're really jacked up there, then the bottom of your gas tank can be exposed which makes for a bomb if a little Masda runs under you.
Bumper stickers aren't a good idea anymore either. First, who are you going to educate anyway? Do you really want the drivers all around you looking at your message(s), when they should be concentrating on the road. Never mind that most will be cell phoning/ text messaging anyway. So do you want to give them one more distraction?
If it's sports related or political, you're going to irritate at least half the drivers and passengers anyway. Do you want to make known your preferences to someone who knows more about you than you know about them? I mean, they do have your license number. The equivalent to "I know where you live" threats.
These times dictate anonymity. The fact that you're driving a car not made in the US is enough to rile some. Also your speed will irritate others. No matter if you're driving the limit or speeding. You just can't win.
I was thinking of just taking a taxi wherever I want to go. But then I decided I'm not that big of a risk taker.
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