We haven't owned, but then again does anyone ever own(?), a dog this decade. I miss that companionship, and maybe that's why I hold on to the two words.
I guess some 'splaining, Ricky, is due. Whenever I feel a little goofy or frisky and the phone rings, after I answer and talk for a while, my wife will ask who called. My two word response, "Your dog."
I'll give the same answer under the same conditions when she asks what I'd suggest for Supper. Easy going, she rarely displays irritation. She knows I'll get around to responding in a sane manner. Eventually.
Not in the same vein, in our household when I was growing up, my Dad had an expression that made my Mom cringe. When emphasizing total agreement with the statement made, he would add, "You ain't a woofin'".
I guess it was the "Really," of the '50's. Or the "You got that right," of later years. And if you think that sounds out of whack, what do you think subsequent generations are going to think of "My bad,"? My bad what? I mean that is stupid.
It's worse than "How's yourself?" but unfortunately used more often.
I don't think I have to worry about "Your dog," catching on. Talk about stupid. But feel free to use it once and awhile just for the shock value.
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