Computer problem solved, for now. Back from an East Coast journey, let the blogging continue.
As I was making the coffee this morning, I was distracted by the toaster giving off an alarm as it always does. But I had been away from this particular toaster, so I miscalculated the number of scoops for the coffee and made it too strong. I'd blame it on my age, but I've always had a distraction problem.
When I taught (and I'll leave it at that; that is I won't add school: I mean who teaches school? One may teach at a school, but everyone knows school, so I won't use that. If I had added students, well that's almost redundant unless we're talking about animals and I never had any luck there) I simply couldn't have students talking, too. One of us only. And I'd be honest and tell them that I couldn't talk if they were. If it was important what they were saying to a fellow student, then I would wait for them, but we both couldn't talk at the same time. Maybe once I had a student take me up on that and finish his discussion, but he was the only one and so it worked for me for many years. So, I won't blame my confusion this morning on geriatrics.
But it reminded me of Quincy, Mass, where we were last Saturday. Besides being the home of President John Adams, Quincy also proudly houses Dunkin' Donuts University. In fact, along the East Coast, they outnumber Starbucks and are much preferred. I heard one Rhode Islander call Starbucks Charbucks because of the strong taste. Another from Maryland called them FiveBucks because of the hefty price of their Java.
I prefer Starbucks and their breakfast sandwiches and their lemon cake pastry and their lunch sandwiches. But I can down a donut from Dunkin' very easily. Actually, one right name might just take the bite off my Charbucks this morning.
Computer problem solved, for now. Back from an East Coast journey, let the blogging continue.
As I was making the coffee this morning, I was distracted by the toaster giving off an alarm as it always does. But I had been away from this particular toaster, so I miscalculated the number of scoops for the coffee and made it too strong. I'd blame it on my age, but I've always had a distraction problem.
When I taught (and I'll leave it at that; that is I won't add school: I mean who teaches school? One may teach at a school, but everyone knows school, so I won't use that. If I had added students, well that's almost redundant unless we're talking about animals and I never had any luck there) I simply couldn't have students talking, too. One of us only. And I'd be honest and tell them that I couldn't talk if they were. If it was important what they were saying to a fellow student, then I would wait for them, but we both couldn't talk at the same time. Maybe once I had a student take me up on that and finish his discussion, but he was the only one and so it worked for me for many years. So, I won't blame my confusion this morning on geriatrics.
But it reminded me of Quincy, Mass, where we were last Saturday. Besides being the home of President John Adams, Quincy also proudly houses Dunkin' Donuts University. In fact, along the East Coast, they outnumber Starbucks and are much preferred. I heard one Rhode Islander call Starbucks Charbucks because of the strong taste. Another from Maryland called them FiveBucks because of the hefty price of their Java.
I prefer Starbucks and their breakfast sandwiches and their lemon cake pastry and their lunch sandwiches. But I can down a donut from Dunkin' very easily. Actually, one right name might just take the bite off my Charbucks this morning.
At 9:01 AM,
Fort Wayne Tour Guide said…
Starbucks coffee - like. Dunkin' Donuts coffee - dislike.
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