On the QT

Thursday, September 29, 2005

In a column or bloggem I hate to write, I'll prognosticate the baseball playoffs as I see them. First, my beloved Cardinals will fall in the first round to the Padres. I'm afraid the magic of Tony is over. First, he tried too hard to cement post season awards to his deserving superstars, Mr. Pujols and Chris Carpenter. Over 241 innings for Chris--are you kidding me! And the Cardinals clinched just after the All-Star Game. And Mr. Pujols never rests. "He'd rather play if at all possible," Tony says. My two children would have rather played than rested, too, when they were growing up, but somebody's got to be in charge.What about the plight of Matt Morris? Who knows? Mark Mulder and Jeff Suppan seem to be the only reliables heading into the playoffs and Mulder's coming off an inning + outing. Padres in 4.
Braves and Astros. Well, you know the Braves are going to lose sometime in the playoffs. Fourteen division titles in a row and 1 World Series? Amazing. Are there a bunch of Cooter Bartman's in Dixie that I don't know about? What gives? Astro pitching and a healthy Berkie and Bigie and Lanie and good guy Ensberg spell victory for the Stros.
Astos and Padres. Astros sweep. That simple. Yep, once again the Wild Card heads to the Series. And what does the regular season mean? About the same as in hockey. Not much.
Tune in tomorrow for the AL. or as I love to disrespect and call them, The Junior Circuit. (If you've ever known an American League fan, that usually gets to them.) Both of them.


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