Hairstyles have always been a generational divider. Since Butch Wax gave way to the Beatle hairstyle, the older folks have trouble adjusting.
The only difference now is that I'm on the spectrum that disapproves. And I do. At least for this generation's bed head look.
But before I become too disgruntled about styles, I was recently reminded of Pat Boone's white bucks. White bucks were boys and young men's shoes that were popular in the late 1950's because, well because Pat Boone wore them. Pat, a good Christian man, has always been a clean cut guy. And back then, he was a role model to a generation that wasn't looking to rebel against anything conventional.
The white bucks were rather like suede or hush puppies. They would obviously get dirty. So the dapper dressers of the time carried a small resin bag with them to pat (pun) down the dirt and give them a clean look.
I was 10 or 11 when I wore mine, and I was one of maybe 20 guys in grades 4-6 at Field School (re-dubbed Dr. Andy Hall in my 6th grade year) to wear them. As I look back, it seems unbelievable that we wore them and would fool with them. If they weren't cleaned up, the wearer was looked at with disgust.
I guess it's like a lot of all hairstyles and fads. It's a hoot to look at them in old picture albums or yearbooks. While the style has thankfully gone away, I'm glad Pat Boone is still one of the good guys.
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