I miss the old Beatles cartoons. I know, we have The Simpsons and they are great. If you haven't watched them for awhile I challenge you to stop and not flip past them when you're channel surfing. Even if you don't watch the whole rest of the show, you will laugh at something in the portion you see. But The Beatles were The Beatles.
Sure, Ringo would always do something goofy to get them all in trouble. Sure Paul was the squeaky clean one. I didn't say it was great writing. But it was a great cartoon. One thing that made it so good was the music, naturally. They always worked at least two songs into the plot line. And best of all, they had the words at the bottom of the screen with a little sing along karioke ball with them. That's useful to me, especially today when, well you wouldn't believe what some of the lyrics sound like to me. In Sean Paul's new video, I swear he sings, "I've got the ----- -- ---- -- -turn you on." But I probably have it wrong.
But there was no doubt when the words were right there for you to read and sing along with. I think it also helped that the cartoons came along just after their introductory songs and before they got Easternized by the Maharishi. Their music got too heavy for me after that.
A little nostalgia would be nice. In fact I played an old Beatle cd on my way back from the airport this morning. But I didn't have the visual for "Eight Days a Week."
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