Well, that could have been the headline. If I had gotten caught. In 1964, I was 15 years old with the mind of, well a 15 year old. So when I heard that my next door neighbor was a delegate for the democratic convention that year, my mind went into overdrive.
She was a very nice lady. But she represented a challenge. I didn't like lbj at all. Later, I would like him and nixon less and less as the Viet Nam War wore on and on. I kinda liked Goldwater, but I didn't know much about him. A few slogans, "In your heart, you know he's right," answered by taunts of "In your guts, you know he's nuts." I also liked the AuH2O stickers. But the one I plastered on the driver's side rear bumper simply said Goldwater 64.
I had to wait until the night before she left to do my deed. Her car was parked in the street rather than in the back driveway, so I didn't have to climb a fence to "git her done." Late that night, armed with the bumper sticker, I squatted behind her blue sedan and pasted it on.
And that's the end of the story. I didn't see when she left. I know when she returned, it was without the sticker. Nothing was ever said about it. Whether a plan to find the culprit, hoping he would reveal the secret, or thinking that it happened on the way to the convention, I'll never know.
I know confession is good for the soul, but I'm not sure if it helps that it is written on a blog over 41 years later.
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