A disclaimer: I don't love Kellie Pickler. But I wasn't techy enough to delete one of four buttons, or two of eight since I wasn't even techy enough to get only one set of Picker buttons on my blog.
I think I know which one she is, though. Paula Abdul actually called her cute, so she must be no threat to Paula who never seems to like the better looking females, but swoons over all the guys. Any way(s), Kellie's not gonna win.
Are Randy and Paula joined at the hip? Why can they never disagree? Why do they need three judges since these two are clones? And Simon. Well, he seems to me to be the only voice of reason on the show. Except for last night when Ryan showed a picture of Chicken Little next to this year's geek. Now that was funny. Mercifully I missed his rendition of the grapevine song (hated by me as I wrote in an earlier blog.) See, that's why I tune into The Idol: I can watch some good tv (the Phoenix Suns) and switch over at time outs and catch other shows. I probably caught 7 of the ten singers/vocalists/warblers/wannabes and plenty of the Suns. I even caught most of the first half of Lost, primarily because of halftime in the Suns game. Why only guys can watch tv this way, I'll never know. I've even watched three movies at the same time. Without picture/picture which I've never mastered technologically.
So who are my favorites? The front runners. Sorry Ms. Picker. How could an American Idol carry that name anyhow? Lisa and the Mahalia Jackson gal. And Ace and the Bruce Willis with creative facial hair guy. See, I don't watch it enough to know all their names.
But I hope the geek and the smart mouth Black chick are shown the door tonite.
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