Why is it that most people who like birds are older? I'm talking about the Audubon people and serious bird watchers. The zoo goers who flock (oh yeah, that was intended) around the birds and that cool aviary at the St. Louis Zoo.
The eagle watchers who brave icy roads to drive to Hermann, MO to see them in their nests. The ones who feed the birds in Midwest Winters when snow can last and make it hard for birds. The ones who set out hummingbird feeders. Sidebar: faithful readers have probably heard this one before. About five years ago I was standing on the third rung of a six foot step ladder trimming some bourganvillas when I heard this loud noise to my left. I turned thinking it to be Mark, my next door neighbor. I hadn't heard him in his yard but it sounded like a leaf blower. Upon further investigation, I found that a hummingbird was hitting on the red plastic guard on the top of my ladder, very near my ear. Those guys can really move those little wings to create a loud noise.
About a week ago, I got into my golf cart after having secured a bogey on a par 5 when I was only twenty yards off the green in two. I started to drive away when my wife yelled, "Stop." I responded with "What?" or something of that nature. "A bird," she stated. And she couldn't move him. A baby quail wanted the shade of our front right tire. We tried to shoo him out and he kept running back to the same spot. I took an eight iron and still mad from my bogey-- no, no... I'm just kidding re-directed his route till we could drive away. I hope his mother, neglectful or thoughtless or frantically searching, found him before the next cart parked in the same place.
Enjoy the birds. Whatever your age. God gave us the animals for our enjoyment. Don't wait. And if you ever get some love birds as in the picture, give me a call.
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