It's the killer instinct. The competitive edge. The soul. The heart. Patience. Stamina. Charisma. Chutzpah. No guts: no glory. No inner strength. Inability. Lack of confidence.
A child of the corn? An ectoskeleton? The illustrated man sans tattoos? One of Edward Scissorhands' relatives? A mere shadow of his former self? The Tin Man after a monsoon?
Maybe, he's just not feeling himself. Maybe, he's running on empty. Maybe, he's a poster boy for anorexia. How about a Mr. Machine or an Erector Set creation?
Ok, let's get down to it. Today's entry is for the older readers. If you noticed, I tried to lead you into this entry with the reference to toys of the 50's and 60's.
This guy illustrates what happens if we don't take our daily medicines. I take two pills in the morning--one for high blood pressure and one for allergies. I take two pills at supper time--one for cholesterol and another for high blood pressure. My problem is that sometimes I forget whether or not I've taken my pills. I know that sounds stupid, in fact, I still remember the days that young ladies would miss a birth control pill and get an unwanted pregnancy. I thought,"How dumb can you get?"
Well, it's easy. I even have a pill box with slots for each day of the week. But that's not fool proof because I have to re-load the box in a timely manner, and I don't always take the time.
But no frets. What I've come up with is ingenious. When I take my morning pills, I simply turn the pill bottle upside down. Sure enough, when I reach for my evening pills, I see that the pill bottles are still upright. In the morning, all bottles are upside down. I take my pills and turn the bottles upright again. How simple, how easy to follow. (ok, unless I miss one whole day.)
Follow my simple plan and you won't look or feel like our friend in the picture.
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