I think practically all mothers are wonder women. What they do for us is amazing beginning with hauling us around in their bellies for so long. Does it ever end for mom? Gosh, no. They support us forever. Unconditionally. Because we're theirs.
I think Major League Baseball and, yes, even Bud Selig got it right this year. In case you haven't heard, several baseball players will be using pink bats or wearing pink caps today in honor of their mothers and breast cancer research, highlighted by their pink ribbons which will be displayed on the bases.
I hope Major League Baseball and other sports don't get carried away with other celebrations, no matter how worthy or noble. At least not for awhile anyway(s). The hats and bats, probably the bases, too, will be auctioned off later on with the money going to breast cancer research.
While there are literally thousands of other worthy causes in need of donations for further action or research, I think by limiting the honor makes it that more memorable. Perhaps the other sports will follow suit. Along with symphonies, musicals, plays, rock and country music concerts. It's really endless.
Grocery stores, gas stations, department stores, et.al., could sponsor one worthy cause a season. I recently took part in a Sjogren's Walk that raised $13,000 for research to combat that disease. P.F.Chang's in Scottsdale has a marathon run every year drawing up to 30,000 participants. Is it in need of a cause to celebrate and fund raise? To tell you the truth I don't know, but tack on some money for a tee shirt and support another great cause.
See what Mother's Day and Major League Baseball started? I'm sure I'm not alone in thinking this way. And, go figure--it all began with mothers.
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