Ok, the picture shows a red leaf and not a red feather. Hey, it's hard to find one fallen red feather. From a baseball mascot.
I thought Mr. Pujols hit two home runs to right field yesterday against the DBax. But an angry wind held up both of them. What gives? Shouldn't Mr. Pujols get a break now and then? In his home park?
His numbers are astonishing for his career. But this season they are phenomenal. On a no wind day, he would have added to his totals which would have given him 21 homers for the season. On May 14! I remember Cardinal slugger Jack Clark hitting 22 for the whole season in 1987 and people thought him a power hitter.
Oh well, at least the Reds lost. And, as usual, the cubbies dropped another one. Remember when Harry would scream, "cubs win, cubs, win cubs win?" That's definitely an oxymoron. Kinda like life insurance.
On to the Suns game. Nevermind. They didn't show up again. Except for Raja. Diaw played hard, but that was about it. That's ok. I'm getting even Tuesday night. I'm going to the DBax game next door against the Padres. I was feeling bad about missing the Suns, but I figure if they can take a night off now and then, then so can I.
And that's it from the old sports desk. No. One more item. My man, Terry lost the immunity challenge on Survivor last night and got ousted. Some yoga instructor whose name spelled Sara backwards won. He had that Ed Grimsley hair style. Man, I had a bad day, the tv camera don't lie.
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