I hope Memorial Day jump started your Summer. I hope family was involved. I hope you gave at least a little homage to us veterans. I mean US veterans, since faithful reader(s) know I avoided the draft in the late 60's like it was bird flu, aids, and cholera combined.
I have, however, always supported and respected the military. Much like elementary school teachers. I never wanted to be one, but wholeheartedly respect them for the jobs they do.
I'm reminded of a former Dodger (LA, not draft) named Gleason. He was a five tool prospect, big strapping lad who rose in the ranks of the LA organization in the early 60's. He was the sole support of his mother, which in those days garnered you a deferment.
In 1967, he was drafted and sent to Viet Nam. He was injured when some shrapnel, I believe, entered his knee and wrist. He returned to the US, but could never regain any feeling in one of his fingers. Yup, his baseball career was over. His mother lost her house. And he could never figure out why he lost his deferment.
If memory serves me, the draft board told him it was a mistake. My mother's brother had a very similar story. Except for being the major league athlete. Also, he didn't come back to the US from WWII.
The last I heard about Sgt. Gleason was that he was tending bar. He got one at bat in the bigs. And got a base knock. That and a 1963 World Series ring. Which he left in a foot locker in Viet Nam.
At 6:12 AM,
bwitty said…
That might've been the saddest baseball story I've ever heard.
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