Once I went to St. Louis to watch Kentucky and Arkansas, I believe, play in an NCAA Regional Tournament. We sat on the Wildcat side in the Ed which was not an ideal venue for viewing. Our tickets were comps because we went with a MVC referee who received the tickets for his time and effort in college basketball. But they were far away.
And I got bored. So I went to sleep. A buddy of mine sitting next to me couldn't believe it. I mean here we are with a bunch of friends, 26, if I remember. Here it is. A Regional basketball tournament game. Featuring Kentucky. And Ashley Judd. (She had better seats, but hey, she's a bigger fan.) And I went to sleep.
I know my buddy Alex thought I was sick or old. Well, I felt fine. But I was embarrassed. I mean here I got these free tickets and I can't even stay awake. Kentucky won. Ashley, and most all of the 26 were happy. I guess I was for the Wildcats, but I'm pretty much a homer, even if Illinois wasn't too hot in those years. I know I didn't like indiana and bobby knight.
I got to see them in another Regional one time and was rooting very hard against his hoosiers. They won anyhow. But I stayed awake. Scott and I had courtside seats about 8 rows behind one of the baskets. Maybe that's why I didn't snooze.
Oh well, once I fell asleep when I was assigned a Study Hall to supervise. A Study Hall of about seventy or so. I didn't get caught then. Probably because Alex wasn't in the Study Hall.
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