When I told a friend of mine that I was retiring, she said,"Well, you know, Friday will never be the same. You won't have Fridays to look forward to anymore."
I had never really thought about it that way. Friday. The Anticipatory Day is really the best day of the week. No matter how bad, how exhausting a week you've had, there's Friday night and all the possibilities it brings. And sometimes Friday nights were so good that one moon simply wasn't enough (as in the picture.)
Of course after Friday is a never ending (seeming) weekend when you get to chill. Even if you don't. Even if the unexpected comes up, there's still the chance, the opportunity for chilling.
There's the chance to sleep late on Saturday morning. There's all day Saturday. There's Saturday night and a chance. More opportunities out there. On Your Time.
Sunday, of course, offers more time away from work. In fact, we're told not to work on the Sabbath. That always made sense to me. If God needed a break, so do I. And what better way to start the week than by worship and rest?
When I would look ahead to a weekend, I'd say well, I have Friday night and Saturday, and Saturday night, and Sunday and Sunday night. Five days. Wow!
How ever you count it, though, there's that Monday. And my response to my friend, Carol, after announcing my retirement, "True, but I won't have any Monday mornings either."
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