I like it when my 26-year old daughter tells me that. (She also tells me she's a loyal blog reader of mine, but she hits on my site only once or twice a week, so the jury's still out.) Anyway(s), I like it when she tells me I'm cute.
While channel surfing, I discovered a band playing wildly on America's Got Talent. Actually, I think it sounds better to say "has" talent. That's not what Courtney would think was cute.
What she would think was cute is how I describe what I saw. Keep in mind I'm an old guy who tells it like I see it (How's that for a mixed cliche or two?)
I think they are called The Blue Boys. I think they have one girl though she's not blue. Three of them are blue, I think, maybe only two. The blue ones don't look like the Hawaiian mask, but they wear a blue latex mask that covers their whole head and smashes down their ears like the robbers who wear pantyhose on their faces. They look pretty futuristic, I almost said space age.
They play wild drums. One plays oversized drums with colored liquid in them. He makes a big mess, obviously. Some other guys who aren't blue play wild drums, their hands flying like making an airplane in flight gesture. Another blue guy hits a big tympany-like drum. He kinda hits it like a gong, but wilder.
Maybe the most talented is the female in the group. She sings pretty well, though I couldn't understand one word. But where she excels is on the fiddle. Man, she can play. Somewhere between a violin concerto in D Minor to hoedown fiddling Orange Blossom Special, she plays with aplomb (whatever that means.) What I mean is she's good.
Put it all together and they really sound good to this codger. I dare you to watch them and not bob your head or tap your toe (man, I'm sounding ancient now) to their beat. When they're finished they shoot out long strips of paper, kinda like toilet paper into the crowd. And one of the blue guys stands looking at the audience with red liquid seeping into the creases on his blue face.
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