But I have Chip Shank-ed, or shank a few chip shots in my time. I wouldn't begin to know how to Nagurski.
But he has to have the greatest football name of all time. Chip Shank, by the way, is the name of a guy in my Bible Study Fellowship small group. And he has the best name for a golfer that I ever heard.
As one of Adam's pre-apple partaking tasks, he got to name all the animals. Now that would have been fun. I'm not sure what rhinosaurus was in the original language, but you just know that it was an ugly sounding word. While lamb, panther, cardinal, even cub were reserved for beautiful animals. One of the worst sounding animal names to me is ox, yet when an f is added, it doesn't sound bad at all.
Mickey Mantle is the perfect baseball name. Marilyn Monroe, the perfect starlet. Bob Pettit is an awfully good name for a basketball player. Dikembe Mutumbo's not bad for the modern all-world player.
And that's not even looking at nicknames. Mudhen, Catfish, Wee Willie are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to colorful names. Hammerin Hank sounds so much better than Balco Barry. Night Train so much better than Tee Oh or Ocho Cinco.
It's hard to end an entry on nicknames or connotatively good sounding names. But to illustrate the importance of names, William Dawes rode much farther warning the colonists that the British were coming than a more famous and great sounding name Paul Revere.
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