It's really hard to figure out Fox Network. I heard from an Arab Christian and returning Iraqi War soldiers that Fox was the best, the most accurate assessment of world news. The most respected by most foreigners. They call CNN laughable in its coverage of world events.
Yet it's Fox who is carrying the horrific Orenthal James Simpson's lowest of low tv coverage. And a parent company is publishing his book. I'm floored.
When people flock to this killer (don't forget he confessed to buddy Marcus Allen after a few too many.) And don't forget Nicole's blood was found on his shoes and hairs from Ron were found on Orenthal's clothing.
Also keep in mind that Nicole is the mother of his two children. If he has no consience, neither does Fox. I'm floored. It's a crazy world turned upside down. Fox. Join the other networks who lost self respect long ago. As far as Orenthal, he never had any.
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