I just never would have thought it would be Tony LaRussa who embarrassed the Cardinals. Sure enough, yesterday he was arrested for a DUI in Florida. Now, I know he has rights and to let the legal process play itself out, but it's a black eye on one of the greatest all-time franchises in any sport.
I've read all about the arrest and will spare my loyal reader(s) the details as reported. And I'm sure there'll be many, many more articles and tv analyzers beat this story to death. And, don't get me wrong, (or as Pastor Wagner of SBC says,"Please don't hear what I'm not saying,") it is a serious act. It's disappointing.
But those of faith know things happen for a reason. God's reason. Maybe Tony received a wake up call. Maybe his arrest will save others. Either from drinking and driving or being the victim of someone drinking and driving. It's all part of the great mystery that will be revealed to us someday. But it's no mystery that drinking and driving is stupid. And a heck of a lot worse than eating meat.
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