Loyal reader(s) know my thought about tv shows. There just aren't many I like.
American Dreams was one of the better ones, but like a lot of the shows I like it was not long for prime time. When this year started out, I thought Jericho was the show I'd like. Nope.
It turned out to be Friday Night Lights. I really like the concept, the book, and the movie, so I shouldn't have been surprised that I'd like the tv show.
The coach is so real that he missed his calling. And if Lila Garrity wasn't a high school cheerleader, she should have been. Her parents are great, especially her dad. Would I buy a used car from him? Sure.
The football player who lives alone and has an affair with a single mom is a stretch, but he's a good actor and I like him, too. As well as the quarterback, Smash, the Assistant Coach, the coach's wife, the Christian, the girl he likes and her mother. Even the quarterback's grandmother is cool.
The only one I don't like is the pouty coach's daughter. She is so stiff and frowny. She tries to play the role of the distraught teen who's in love with love, but she doesn't pull it off.
Anyway(s), it's good tv for 2007, and I can't wait to see if Coach Taylor took the TMU job or not. (Ok, I know he didn't or they would have to change the name to Saturday Afternoons.)
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