That's what the artist entitled this sculpture. Neither in nor out. Expressionless. Neither freed nor enslaved. Not in pain, but certainly not relieved. The character has made an effort, minimal as it is. He's a seeker, yet he has his eyes closed. He's starting to reach out with one hand, but one hand binds him.
I've been to lukewarm churches. On a number of occasions. Everything looks fine on the surface, but the love for the Lord just wasn't there. And that's probably an oversimplification on my part. Maybe I should have said it didn't seem to be overt. At the very least, it wasn't on display.
So Mr. Church Critiquer, what warms up the lukewarm? A church should not be boring. Whether it's the sermon, Sunday School class, or music, it should be alive.
It should be forgiving and not condemning. It should value acceptance and not rejection. Desire and not duty. Value people and not place. Value truth (biblical) and not tradition. Recognize spiritual gifts and not only address them, but utilize them.
Grow the kingdom. Start out by growing the church. And retain the visitors. Engage them, but don't strangle them. But absolutely never ignore them. A church has to be about relationships and connections and feeling.
And just like lukewarm water, there's not much feeling in a lukewarm church.
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