I miss Life magazine. It wasn't the greatest, but you could always count on a good story or two and some great pictures. So why am I mourning Life's demise? Because I have finally given up on another magazine. I will no longer read Time.
When they refused to name George W. Bush one of the 100 most influential people, then they passed the gauntlet from being a news mag to an urban pop culture mag with a left wing radical agenda.
So, I add Time to my list of non-read magazines. When the New Yorker magazine featured the Easter Bunny being crucified on the cross around Easter, I wrote them a letter canceling my subscription. I showed them, huh? Nary a word from their editorial department or marketing or even subscription services. And this happened back in the late 80's if memory serves. All I know about my memory is that I haven't picked up a copy of that magazine since. And Time is on that list now, too.
There are so many magazines I've never read anyway(s), but not looking at some that I used to subscribe to is no sacrifice for me. It's like leaving a movie or a play because it offends. I've done that, too. You know what? It always makes me feel good, too.
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