On the QT

Wednesday, February 27, 2008


So what am I doing blogging on Oscar night? Well, I guess I'm not all that excited about spending a few hours watching celebs play dress up and thank people I've never heard of. About movies I've never seen. About stars and hosts political leanings.
I remember when we actually looked forward to watching to see who would win Best Actor, Best Actress (I guess that shows my age; I mean women are now called actors, too, aren't they?) Best supporting Actor/Actress always was one of my favorites, being the team player I am. You'd have to stay up very late on the East Coast to find out which movie won, but it seemed worth it back when.
So why was it the least watched Oscar Show ever? Ok, I confess--I started this entry on Oscar night, but didn't finish it till three days later. Maybe people have the same distaste for HollowWood that I have. It used to be glamor. Now the actors work up a need for a shave after three days' growth and the actresses don't even appear to have clean hair. Cameron Diaz? What was up with that 'do? And who's Jon Stewart anyway(s)? I know, I really do, but his political left humor is just not funny to me.
While standing in a checkout line at a grocery store called Sprouts, I noticed Oprah's O Magazine on display. Amazing that she is on the cover of every O Magazine, for what 3 years now? Prediction--she'll change that come November when her guy B.O.--Barak Obama gets the nod. Get it: it's still O. It's just Obama and not Oprah. I guess she wasn't at the Oscars, but I have to give her credit for her outstanding performance in The Color Purple. I don't know why she isn't in more movies. She is that good.
And that's what I want in movies--good acting. Along with good writing. Along with nobody cares about your political beliefs. Along with a good tub of buttered popcorn. Then, just maybe, Oscar can be Oscar again.


  • At 6:31 AM, Blogger Pure BS said…

    QT do you notice how your last 2 posts are related? Both have been hijacked by Liberals and not for the better. The Oscars used to be for the theater goer and now they seem to be for the self congratulatory crowd. As far as getting political advice from Actors would be the same as asking Barry Bonds his scientific thoughts on High Energy Physics.
    So until the Oscars get back to being about movies I will have to find out what happened on Oscar night from you.


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