On the QT

Thursday, February 21, 2008


It's bad enough that we've had 6 weeks of frost in the valley this Winter. Compared to about 6 mornings of frost some years. But when I had to drive through one hour of snow in the mountains outside San Diego last Thursday, I say that enough of Old Jack Frost.

In fact, we were very blessed, because had we left 1 hour, maybe two hours later, we would have been stranded or at least had to spend the night in an evac shelter (casino or fire department )with 400 stranded souls because of 12 inches of snow. But again, 3o minutes outside of San Diego? C'mon Jack.

Practically every morning when I click on the St. Louis Post website, there's a Severe Weather Warning. One day it's tornadoes, the next ice, followed by snow, rain, more sleet and drizzle.

You've oustayed your welcome, Jack. Give it up, man.


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