On the QT

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Blessed with great eyesight, until the age of 45, I never appreciated how tough it is when one doesn't have clarity, when one simply can't see.
I wore glasses for awhile. Hated them. Always misplaced them. I refused to go with the glasses on a string strapped around my neck.
I wore one contact for a few years. That's right, only it was in my left eye for reading only. I had to pop it out when I played golf, though. Once when I left it in for awhile, I noticed I putted better, but still.
Then I went to some kind of surgery that I've wrtten about before where they reshaped my aging eyeballs without cutting the flap as they do in traditional laser surgery. Not much pain, but not much vision for about a week. And for a few months, good vision though I couldn't see the golf ball much past 120 yards or so. But I was told there was some give and take.
I was also told that I might have to wear reading glasses if I was reading for 3 hours or more. Bottom line. I can't see squat now without my glasses.
Oh, I can watch a big screen tv and even read the big print books they have in libraries, but basically without the specs, I'm a mole.
So why do I re-hash. Well, number 1--don't have the flapless surgery. Number 2--I don't know what kind of flower is pictured above, but when I saw it, even with glasses on, I thought it was a man with his arms in the air as he was checking for b.o.


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