On the QT

Tuesday, February 05, 2008


It's Super Tuesday. Which follows Super Sunday and the Super Bowl. What happened to Super Monday? Anyway(s), now is the time for all good voters to come to the aid of their party.

I mean, we're electing a new Prez. To the delight of some. To the horror of others who look at the candidates on both sides. Some cringe at a Clinton co-Presidency. Others at having a US Prez named B. Hussein Obama. Still others can't get over a Mormon sitting in the White House. Yet others find no joy in 900 year old McCain at 1600 Pennsy Ave.

While Rudy, Huckleberry, Edwards' hair, and some guy named Kuncheckninick and who resembled a munchkin have fallen by the wayside, that's whom we are left with. Well, we could go completely crazy and select Ru Paul, but I don't know if she's a guy or a gal. It's that kind of political year.

Just two short years ago, the American voters wanted change. They voted the Republicans out of Congress and got the Democrats in. Polls show they dislike the new Congress worse than the one they voted out. Maybe they thought Pelosi was Belushi, I don't know.

And now I hear both sides calling for change again. Is re-change a word? And while we're at it, why in the heck are all the actors and actresses getting into the act? Chuck Norris for Huckelbee; Oprah for Obama; and Sean Penn and others for Chavez.

No that's not a bad idea. Find out who all these actors/actresses that have recently visited Chavez in Venezuela. And whatever you do, don't vote for whom they support.


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