I never see a pulley bone anymore. I used to pull them all the time. Now our chicken isn't fried. Maybe you have to fry chicken to get a pulley bone.
Also I need to find out from a vet what part of the chicken a pulley bone comes from.ALso a spelling clarification, cause it could be pully bone. I bet it's not even the real name. Like the funny bone. I wonder if any animals have funny bones? Or if we humans have a pulley bone out of the 210 we have in our bodies.
I also wonder who Boney Maroney was. And why there are no bones in a banana. Why fish tastes better with the bones in it, even if they are expertly filleted? Why it's said a person with no gumption has no backbone.
Why are some bones in ham round? And why gravy from ham is called frog eye. Ok, I guess I can answer that one. Why is hambone played by slapping hands to other parts of the body? What does that have to do with hambone. And it's called gumboot in Africa. Where they slap off a boot. The gum comes from the material, a rubber galosh. Can galosh be singular? "Has anyone seen my galosh? I can only find one. It's my left one, I think." At least some kids put em on the wrong feet. But I think they just call them boots now.
If I had a pulley bone right now, I'd pick the right side, wish I knew the answers to all these important queries posed, and pull like the Dickens. Or is it dickins?
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