Some of my faithful readers have heard most of this story. Hopefully, they won't have to sit and stew about where did I hear that from him? In case you do, it was at Jim and Joyce's house. Saturday morning. Remember?
When we were in MTV we took our three grandchildren to see Nim's Island. The theatre was warm, it was at night, my belly was filled with popcorn, so I dozed off for awhile. I should have added that it was dark and kinda quiet.
After the show, our 7-year old who wasn't even sitting next to me said, "You went to sleep and missed the movie." I protested. He responded, "Ok. How many ships were in the movie?" "One," I surmised. "Three," he informed me. "Oh, yeah, I forgot that."
"Ok," he continued, "What was the name of the lizard?" I couldn't even hazard a guess. "Freddy," they said it several times. It's easy to see that he's learning from his two attorney parents.
So yesterday, I'm trying to think of the name of the lizard. I didn't tell anyone. I wasn't going to share the story. I just couldn't recall the lizard's name. Larry, was all I could come up with.
But the first thing this morning, it was there. "Freddy," I thought to myself.
Now, where the heck was that all day yesterday? And how did, and by the why, why did it come to me today? Somewhere in those recesses. Along with a zillion other things I should be able to recall but can't. Somewhere in that silo storage tank of knowledge and experiences.
But I'm glad I wrote about it. If I forget, all I have to do is call up this blog entry. Now, if I can just remember my password.
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