So what did I like about this photo? I mean besides the two people in it. Little things, insignificant things on the surface that are quite important, quite revealing.
Little stuff used to be important to me. Then I started to become a big picture guy later in life. Still later, I've returned to the detail man.
As Ricky Ricardo said, "Let me 'splain."
In the Upper Room at The Last Supper, Jesus revealed to His disciples that one would betray Him. "Lord, Surely it is not I," nearly all protested. Yet the betrayer, Judas, called Jesus, Rabbi. Because that's all He was to him, a teacher and not the very Son of God and Lord of his life. I never noticed that until recently.
In the picture, Nancy Reagan appears taller than her husband. She wasn't. Yet it didn't bother the President to appear of lesser stature in the picture. It's telling. There are a lot of men driven by their own ego, that would never approve.
When I was in high school, a good friend of mine who stood 5'6" took a girl 6'1" to a school dance. Their picture was displayed in their home. It affected me. I thought they looked silly together, though I never told him. Standing a full two inches taller than he, I wouldn't even ask a girl out whom I liked because she was two inches, at the most, taller. She knew we liked each other, but she never knew why I couldn't go out with her.
When our son was a 6'0" freshman, he found the only girl in his class taller than he to take to his first Homecoming Dance. It didn't bother him. And he was just a frosh at the time. It didn't bother Mr. Reagan either, at least not his position in the picture. Hey, maybe Scott's Presidential.
Or maybe his father was just a little too much into himself.
The details I'm paying more attention to now are more scriptural than height. I'm finding (finally) that not only is the Bible God -breathed, but also that every word in The Word is significant and there for a purpose.
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