I haven't been to the Badlands or seen Mount Rushmore. A trip we had planned for this Summer there fell through.
But I wonder. Who should be the next four? For Rushmore Part II. I suppose Ronald Reagan. I've heard his name mentioned for being The Great Communicator and for helping uproot Communism in the USSR.
But who else? Goldwater? Kennedy? Truman? Ike? These are tough questions. I'd offer the Rev. Billy Graham. His influence is surpassed by almost no one in the last part of the 20th Century.
Who else? Martin Luther King? Certainly a person of color needs representation. Jackie Robinson perhaps. How about Rosa Parks?
And if we're rightfully having a Black, how about a woman? That's certainly in order. Who? Margaret Chase Smith? Oprah? Diana Ross?
Finally, I think a Prez, a religious beloved man, a Black, and a woman would be a cross representation that could display our people and our time.
May I have the ballots, please. The four as selected by On The QT are Ronald Reagan, the Rev. Billy Graham, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Tina Turner.
What? Tina Turner? When I asked our daughter, that was her suggestion. Her reasoning: "her hairstyle is the combination of the three men on the New Rushmore." I couldn't agree more.
The only problem I see is getting a sculptor to do his/her work without including Tina's great legs.

I haven't been to the Badlands or seen Mount Rushmore. A trip we had planned for this Summer there fell through.
But I wonder. Who should be the next four? For Rushmore Part II. I suppose Ronald Reagan. I've heard his name mentioned for being The Great Communicator and for helping uproot Communism in the USSR.
But who else? Goldwater? Kennedy? Truman? Ike? These are tough questions. I'd offer the Rev. Billy Graham. His influence is surpassed by almost no one in the last part of the 20th Century.
Who else? Martin Luther King? Certainly a person of color needs representation. Jackie Robinson perhaps. How about Rosa Parks?
And if we're rightfully having a Black, how about a woman? That's certainly in order. Who? Margaret Chase Smith? Oprah? Diana Ross?
Finally, I think a Prez, a religious beloved man, a Black, and a woman would be a cross representation that could display our people and our time.
May I have the ballots, please. The four as selected by On The QT are Ronald Reagan, the Rev. Billy Graham, Dr. Martin Luther King, and Tina Turner.
What? Tina Turner? When I asked our daughter, that was her suggestion. Her reasoning: "her hairstyle is the combination of the three men on the New Rushmore." I couldn't agree more.
The only problem I see is getting a sculptor to do his/her work without including Tina's great legs.
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