First of all, tell me if the rocking chair in the picture is facing towards or away from the house. I'm not sure what difference it makes; at least not when I get to my topic.
Someone by the name of Isabel Waxman put it in perspective when she said, "We spend our school days yearning to graduate, and our remaining days waxing nostalgic about our school days." What perspective? Human nature.
Why are we like that? Never satisfied. When Mick Jagger was young he said, "I hope I'm not on stage singing 'Satisfaction' when I'm 45 years old." The rest, as they say, is history as he continues in his 60's to belt out, "and I try, and I try, and I try, and I try/ I can't get no satisfaction, no satisfaction, no satisfaction, no, no, no, no." When we studied the Book of Ecclesiastes in Adult Bible Fellowship, I commented that Mick failed to read Chapter 13, when Solomon reveals the only real satisfaction we can attain.
Another author, James Hilton, in Lost Horizon says something to the effect that the first 25 years of our lives we are too young for things. The last 25 years of our lives we are too old for things. What a short period of time illuminates that time in between, those 25 fruitful years.
So what's the answer? Oh, I don't have many answers. I'd say to enjoy the time now, whether you're in the first, middle, or last 25. I'd say maybe Waxman has sent out a warning to heed. And if not her, then certainly King Solomon, the wisest person who ever lived.
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