Amphibious, androgynous, ambivalent. Somehow I feel torn. And it's all about war.
The two most divisive issues I've seen in my lifetime are two wars. Both entered with good intentions. Both for humanitarian purposes to at least some extent. Both calculated risks. (Remember when the scary fear we had of The Big Red Army of Iraq? What a farce.) Both wars resulted in terrible losses for Americans in terms of our troops, our morale, our prestige around the globe and at home.
So what are/were we to do? It's easy to say bring the troops home. That's what we did in Viet Nam. But what kind of answer is that? In hindsight no one would advocate going into Iraq. But all, not some, all-- military intelligence advised it at the time. Only isolationists, only those with political posturing in mind voted no or they voted in abstentia. And now...
Maybe we are to blame for not having a handle on the mind of the Muslims. We've had a Mid-East presence for some time now, but we don't seem to have much understanding. So, again, I ponder...Where do we go from here?
Stay the course? Pull out? Modify the course? It's tough, and so far, I haven't heard much intelligent discussion. Kinda like universal health care.
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