"When the dog bites, when the bee stings..." Naugh. Those were Julie Andrews' favorite things. And I think she made some dumb choices for her favorite things. "Wouldn't it be Loverly?" also had some questionable choices. "An enormous chair"? C'mon. Surely you can come up with something else that might be loverly. What is it with chairs in songs anyway? Neil Diamond's lyric "and no one heard/not even the chair", has to be the worst in any song he penned.
But this entry is supposed to be about things I like. Like....
Summer. Even in Arizona. Right now (ok, it's Spring, but that season always brings to mind rain, and though I'd love to have some now where I live, it still has bad connotations to me--no Spring showers would not be on my list) is beautiful. And if you don't think the desert is beautiful now, then you haven't seen it. With all things in bloom, color is abundant. It's so pretty that I have a hard time concentrating on my golf game. Big surprise, since I can only conjure up enough concentration on one in every three to five shots anyway, but the surrounding beauty of God's creation takes my eyes off the golf focus.
Kids and grandkids. Ours, that is. I never get to see enough of them, but I love talking to them and sharing in their lives. I love to hear stories of what they've said or done. I love to hear their voices. And do things for them. Other kids and grandkids have their moments, and I'd never want to live in one of those communities or subdivisions for those 55 or older, but I don't need to be around them all that much anymore. As a former teacher, I used to think they kept me younger. Nope. I got old, even with them.
My wife. She's my bud. We travel, talk, golf, hang out, spend quality and unquality time together. Unquality time is when I watch ballgames she doesn't care about but stays in the same room with me, or attends the games (her draw is the food). My unquality time is when I go shopping with her, certainly not always, but I have been through many departments' shoes and even to a linen store or two. Happy Mother's Day, Favorite Thing. You're a great Mom to the kids and me.
And no list of my favorite things would be complete without mentioning my faith. And, it's supposed to be the most important in my life according to scripture. And I think it is. But it's hard when I still live in the world with people I love. As one who loves life, I sometimes struggle with priorities. Yet when I think of what Jesus did for me, how dependent upon God I am, and how the Holy Spirit guides me in my daily walk, maybe I am prioritized.
I know one thing. My list is a lot better than Julie's or My Fair Lady's, or Neil's.
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