What Obama and Mr. McCain did last July 4. Oh, we know how patriotic they are now, whether wearing an American flag lapel pin or not. But what did they do on Independence Day 2007?
And, does it matter? To me July 4 stands for freedom certainly. But it has always stood for family for me, too. Whether it was watching fireworks at the City Park or across the street from Bobby and Dickie Young's house on College. Whether it was a picnic, participating or watching a golf tournament, a ballgame, a swimming party, a cook out, setting off fireworks for the kids and family friends in the neighborhood, going to the lake. Sometimes we would combine more than one. Sometimes all packed into one day.
And, as I said, it didn't matter. As long as we were celebrating together. As long as we at least peripherally thought about our country and the freedoms we have. (No, I don't know if peripheral goes with thinking, but it should.) And I hope that that fact was the center of our celebration. Though once again, it's easy to let Summer get in the way, to take control, to seize the moment(s).
So whatever Barack Hussein and John did last July 4, I hope it also included prayer and thanksgiving. I hope those two necessities are not overlooked this Fourth of July. By the candidates and the voters.
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