I loved getting My Weekly Reader in the mail in the Summer. First of all, I hardly got any mail at that age, but when my newspaper came, I devoured it.
For the first two issues anyway. Until Summer got a toehold on me. When I asked our oldest grandson if he had ever heard of MWR, he said no. I didn't google it to see if it was still in operation. But it should be.
Boy, what I change of heart I just had. I hope it's not around anymore. Why? The news would be so biased. It wasn't then, or at least it was well-disguised. I prefer to remember it as fair. As I tried to teach my classes.
I thought that was what teachers were supposed to be. Oh, I know all about the perversion of college profs. But by then, some of us could sift through it, regurgitate back the propaganda and still retain our own opinions. But in high school, I didn't feel it quite fair to spout my political views, and I didn't. Even though I knew others in my department were spewing out left wing agendas.
And I'm afraid that's the way the Weekly Reader might have gone. A balance? Two sides? Fairness? I'm afraid it's gone the same way as courtesy and manners and morals. A daygoneby.
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