Our granddaughter will try anything. Foodwise, that is. Last night she tried a huge chunk of very hot salsa on a tortilla chip. It was fun to watch her expression as her taste sensations exploded with caliente (warmth). She's an excellent eater, discerning, yet not unwilling to try something new.
Our older grandson, on the other hand, is extremely picky when eating. He even refuses to try my grilled out steaks. Now, I take great pride in cooking out. I can prepare a steak rare as rare or well done as can be, but Grant preferred two day old pulled pork instead.
Our younger grandson is somewhere in between. He's a great eater, but he's a little more conservative. Sometimes his young eyes are bigger than his young belly. One day he offered to eat my mistakenly ordered double burger at In-N-Out in exchange for his single, which he couldn't finish. But he's willing to try almost anything, but not when it's a painful dare like hot salsa.
As for me, at my advanced age, there are few foods that I don't enjoy. But as a youngster, I was more like our middle one. So while I might have avoided the dancing asparagus at age 10, 12, or 16, no more. I love asparagus and green beans, broccoli, and almost all the other greens. Except for brussel sprouts. That's where I draw the line of discernment.
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